Monday, 1 December 2014

Collision Into The City EP Review

picture from Tony Houghton (collision)

Collision started out about late 1979 (way before i was about) A group of Young Punk Rockers playing mainly covers of the sex pistols - clash - Damned - ect ect.
As stated in the CD instert "Nothing lasts forever, we went our own way because kev wanted to get married and buy a capri (he did do both of these things)". After 30 + years the guys got back together to see if they still had that spark of punk youth in themselves with a new addition of Karen Khaos for some high octane vocals. They came back full throttle showing they can still cut it with a re-emergence on the 21st century punk scene they pulled in a strong following performing covers round the bars of blyth and other parts of the NE showing that "old Punks never die!!!". 

Collision released their very first EP Saturday 4th October 2014 down at the Clef and Cask in cramlington. 

The EP kicks off with *Into the City* A power full blast from the guitar and a crash of cymbols with poly styrene inspired vocals provided by Karen Khaos complimented with that signature sound of a Fender P Bass playing some nice scales up and down the neck while keeping a nice rhythm. The song itself its a perfect set list opener to get the crowds going, The song itself invites you into the full EP making you want to know whats next in this city of despair.

The next track is *Where do you go* with Tony (The Rat) with his gritty vocals and a head banging rhythm from the drums and guitar while KK adds in her own vocals into the duet with a sweet short guitar solo in between with enough time for you to open a can. the song it self puts out a point, being sick of same old faces and same old places with nothing to do, where do you go to get out of here? in the city of despair.

Track 3 *Broken Eyes* a slow tempo song with KK giving it all she's got in her very emotional voice for this track. Tales of heart break and broken dreams surround this song with powerful guitar chords and powerful bass lines of emotion painting a picture of dark clouds and rain surrounding the city of despair with a girl walking the streets with tears in her eyes with no where to go.

The final track on this EP is *This is Life (This is Living)* a big sounding reggae style song, soon as i first heard it the song gotta get away by slf came into my head. A duet song with The Rat taking the lead and kk jumping in for her part, up beat drums and casual guitar playing for the verses and a full thunderous sound into the pre-chorus with a full band backing of  "what are you looking for" building up to a blast of "This is Life This is Living"

To finish up this review, The EP is all in all is a great combination of gritty and high octance vocals, heavily overdriven guitars, a bass sound that is very familiar in the punk scene (pretty much every band used a p bass) and the pounding of anger on the drums. just like something you would hear in the 70's. And it looks like the 70's have come back once again to prove that Punk isn't dead

You can get the EP at any of Collisions shows for a fine price which is worth it than paying £££££ for a Now thats what i call shit music of the 21st century album. 

Go out, get this EP and listen to some proper music!!

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